- Aaron StenOctober 10, 2018Aaron Sten
- Abraham CorreiaOctober 10, 2018Abraham Correia
- Albanis VelozOctober 10, 2018Albanis Veloz
- Alejandro AvilaOctober 10, 2018Alejandro Avila
- Alexia AtencioOctober 10, 2018Alexia Atencio
- Ángel BarriosOctober 10, 2018Ángel Barrios
- Ángel GonzalezOctober 10, 2018Ángel Gonzalez
- Angela RomeroOctober 10, 2018Angela Romero
- Aranxa CorreaOctober 10, 2018Aranxa Correa
- Ariangel GendeOctober 10, 2018Ariangel Gende
- Arianne RoaOctober 10, 2018Arianne Roa
- Beiker BarretoOctober 10, 2018Beiker Barreto
- Cristian ManzanilloOctober 10, 2018Cristian Manzanillo
- Cristian RodríguezOctober 10, 2018Cristian Rodríguez
- Damián CedeñoOctober 10, 2018Damián Cedeño
- Eglimar NievesOctober 10, 2018Eglimar Nieves
- Emmanuel ChivicoOctober 10, 2018Emmanuel Chivico
- Francis AguiarOctober 10, 2018Francis Aguiar
- Ivana JimenezOctober 10, 2018Ivana Jimenez
- Jaime CadenasOctober 10, 2018Jaime Cadenas
- Jeinerson FariasOctober 10, 2018Jeinerson Farias
- Jonder GarciaOctober 10, 2018Jonder Garcia
- Lisandro OyerOctober 10, 2018Lisandro Oyer
- Maibe GuerraOctober 10, 2018Maibe Guerra
- Maileth GuerraOctober 10, 2018Maileth Guerra
- Mariana RojaOctober 10, 2018Mariana Roja
- Nicole CoelloOctober 10, 2018Nicole Coello
- Oscar RodríguezOctober 11, 2018Oscar Rodríguez
- Raiquer RamirezOctober 11, 2018Raiquer Ramirez
- Ricardo GonzalezOctober 11, 2018Ricardo Gonzalez
- Samir BrachoOctober 11, 2018Samir Bracho
- Scarlet RivasOctober 11, 2018Scarlet Rivas
- Shanan OliveroOctober 11, 2018Shanan Olivero
- Sharit DiazOctober 11, 2018Sharit Diaz
- Stevenson BritoOctober 11, 2018Stevenson Brito
- Valery del ValleOctober 11, 2018Valery del Valle
- Victoria BlancoOctober 11, 2018Victoria Blanco
- Victoria ContrerasOctober 11, 2018Victoria Contreras
- Victoria SanojaOctober 11, 2018Victoria Sanoja
- Willy OrozcoOctober 11, 2018Willy Orozco
- Yemerson BelandriaOctober 11, 2018Yemerson Belandria
- Yenderlyn MirandaOctober 11, 2018Yenderlyn Miranda
- Zeus ManriqueOctober 11, 2018Zeus Manrique
100% of the funds raised
go towards for the purchase
of children's food
go towards for the purchase
of children's food