The foundation
Alimentando Futuros is a non-profit Civil Association born in the wake of the increasing school abandonment experienced by all schools in low-income areas in Venezuela, mostly since the year 2016.
At Alimentando Futuros we are firm believers of education as the principal tool for the country’s development. That is why this organization arose at the close of 2017 with the sole object of providing one daily balanced meal to students from schools located in low-income areas of Venezuela, to help the children develop correctly and at the same time create incentives to attend school, thus giving them the opportunity for a better future. These meals provided by the organization also help those families that struggle to feed their children and also boost the country’s economy in general.
The main idea is to devote all the resources raised by the foundation Alimentando Futuros for the purchase of the foodstuff that may be necessary to prepare the children’s meals. The people who buy the food, cook them, prepare the meals and serve the children must be volunteers from the student community; this is crucial so that our foundation can allocate the resources exclusively for foodstuff and involve the whole educational community in our goals.

To promote the education of low-income children in Venezuela by providing them with one daily balanced meal in the school.

A Venezuela where low-income children attend school regularly and grow healthy, well fed and with the necessary training to be productive, honest and respectable people.

Honesty / Social commitment / Integrity / Responsibility / Solidarity / Optimism / Generosity / Creativity / Teamwork
go towards for the purchase
of children's food